THE FILM GUIDE - Everything You Need to Know
Social media and digital photography have created such a fast-paced environment full of trendy images and viral hacks, leaving many of us struggling to keep up with the ever-changing “standards”.
Let’s be real, it’s exhausting.
While film definitely has been one of those trends, we believe film is so much more. It’s the foundation of photography; it’s how it all began. Simply put, film isn’t going anywhere, and we think it’s time you consider incorporating it into your business.
On that note, we are so excited to bring you another in-depth resource here at Immersed Education, The Film Guide.
Before we dive into what this course holds, we want you to meet the educator behind it all!
Hannah Shea is an Oregon-based, non-fiction photographer, who is known for her ability to capture raw emotion & natural beauty in every composition (find her Instagram here) Hannah is engaged to her fiance Cole, who is a freelance filmmaker. Together they have spent years knee-deep in the world of film photography, and are passionate about teaching others the foundations of their craft.
So what is The Film Guide?
This course is the first film course designed specifically for wedding photographers. In this course Hannah will share her story of how she came to fall in love with film, as well as each piece of the technical side. You’ll be captivated as she shares about her travels and how she received her first film camera. Then Hannah, along with Cole, will cover everything from mechanics, to loading, to choosing your film, and all the basic pieces of what it takes to shoot film photography. Once you’ve learned the technical side of things, the course shifts into your mindset behind film. Hannah and Cole will push you deep to find your “why” for shooting in this format.
In this course you’ll receive:
26 Lessons
Over 2 Hours of Content
Three Extra Resource Guides
And Lifetime Access to all of the above
Why is The Film Guide so important?
The Film Guide, from start to finish, is designed to stretch you. To show you the creativity that lies in the small moments. It’s meant to push you past the status quo of digital art and into a world where time stands still. This art form is incredibly intentional. There is no rapid-fire imagery or fast-paced environments. Just you, and a camera with a handful of images available on your camera. It’s up to you to discern what images are worth capturing, which is such a gift as a creator.
Film teaches you to seek out the most important moments worth capturing.
Upon completion of this course, you’ll feel confident in film, as well as in your ability to integrate it flawlessly into your wedding workflow. We hope you come out of it having a deeper appreciation for your craft, and a newly tuned eye for those moments worth capturing for generations. The impact of film will translate not only into your business but into how you capture moments in your personal life, too.
Throughout the entirety of this course, Hannah’s passion for film shines through. We are so grateful to have her as an educator here at Immersed. To purchase The Film Guide, click here.